We Support the Renewed Peace Process in the Philippines


Solidarity of Kowloon Union Church for the Filipino People. Calling for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."(Matthew 5:9)

We, members of Kowloon Union Church in Hong Kong, express our solidarity with our sisters and brothers in the Philippines who are now calling for a just and lasting peace in their country.

It is within this call that we express our support for the renewed peace negotiations between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP).

Two rounds of talks between the two parties have already taken place this year with the aim of resuming the peace talks—one in June and another in August. In the August talks, both parties have reaffirmed previously signed agreements, such as the Hague Joint Declaration, the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG), among others.

Both have also agreed to complete remaining substantive agenda for the talks, namely, (a) socio-economic reforms; (b) political and constitutional reforms; and (c) end of hostilities and disposition of forces.

We are very happy that they are both working together in addressing and finding solutions to the root causes of the ongoing conflict in the Philippines. For many years until the present, we have learned of extrajudicial killings and the massive displacement of people, especially the poor and marginalized sectors, not to mention the worsening of poverty and the lack of social justice in the country.

Should this peace process become successful, it will be the people of the Philippines who will greatly benefit. Human rights at all levels will be respected and protected; people’s interests over the interests of the few will be upheld; and justice, sovereignty and prosperity for the people and nation will be strived for.

May both parties steadfastly pursue this peace negotiation, hold true to their word and not veer from the path towards a just and lasting peace in the Philippines. The Kowloon Union Church supports this call for peace in the Philippines as part of our Christian commitment to transform our prayers into acts of compassion and acts for justice for all.

Rev. Phyllis Wong